A mule defends a dog that was attacked by a mountain lion in Montana. This bad ass killed the lion in a very short time.
More pictures and the story here.
A mule defends a dog that was attacked by a mountain lion in Montana. This bad ass killed the lion in a very short time.
More pictures and the story here.
8:03 AM
thats amazing -still feel sorry for the lion though-he does have to eat -unfortunately he has to eat other animals .
link doesnt work
Yes it does it's #4
This hoax went around the internet several years ago. Open link:
grrrrrr...i was just about to type how awesome i thought that mule was...then i read that it was a hoax.....
grrrr....i hate when that haappens
Not exactly a hoax; the pictures are real, but the mountain lion was already dead. Its more like a story that grew out of control. Someone pointed out that if your mule was in a deadly fight with a mountain lion, the last thing you'd be doing is taking pictures.
it is a hoax.
the story went on how the mule killed the mountain lion because the mountain lion was after the dogs.
so what if there is a picture of the mule holding a lion in its mouth. I have a picture of my grandson standing next to a lion at the zoo...doesn't mean he was in the cage with him...
how stupid. deception is deception.
Snopes says the cat was dead already but in the picture where the mule has him in it's mouth it looks like he's trying to attack the mule.
Still an interesting story at any rate.
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