How likely are you to eat your friends in a life and death situation?
Here are my results after taking a short test:
41%How likely are you to eat your friends in a life and death situation?
Here are my results after taking a short test:
11:53 AM
I win, my score it's 65%
Be carefull, my friends :D
that was gross ...welcome back
Mine was 25% so u are pretty safe being stranded with me hee hee
48% here
i managed to hit 72% i think i'm a little more messed up than last i suspected
I think about eating some of my friends all the time, but not the way intended in this test ;-)
good one woo hoo... couldn't have said it better, although the key is preperation...
I am 33 % likely to eat my friends
hee hee
my score's 85%
i is evil xD
44% for me. Yuck!
52 for me. but i would definitely eat them if i was starving
If not to my satisfaction than I will change hosts
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