Saturday, March 31, 2007

Reactable - Cool musical "instrument"

 The reactable, is a multi-user electronic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share  ... all » complete control over the instrument by moving physical objects on a luminous table surface. By moving and relating these objects, representing components of a classic modular synthesizer, users can create complex and dynamic sonic topologies, with generators, filters and modulators, in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or graspable flow-controlled programming language.

Gotta see it to believe it




Anonymous said...

that... is the coolest thing i have ever seen...

Hop said...

It would be a riot to play around with that device.

Anonymous said...

Tangible / grasbable user interfaces are, as such, not a very new idea. If fact IMO it is quite popular and sexy research topic at the moment. If you are keen to know more the following (a bit outdated?) page could help you out:


Tangible bits, one of the early TUI's.

MIT Tangible media group

You might also check Rekimoto's work:
Augmented surfaces