Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Columbine massacre security footage

Appears to be the actual school security videos edited together.

Mesmerizing video of the two lunatic students who killed 12 and wounded 24 others before killing themselves on April 20, 1999.

WARNING: Video not for everyone.

Watch the video   Link no longer working

UPDATE:   Link to the video on another site.

More on this horrible day from Wikipedia



Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! How sick is that! It is so sad that kids resort to such dramatic extremes these days. I hope nothing like that ever happens again.

Anonymous said...

no video 404 not found

Anonymous said...

it's from an upcoming mockumentary, it's not real

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that is real, since the date on the video is not 4/20/99. Even if its not, the video sent chills through me and brought tears to my eyes. I couldnt watch the entire thing, fake or not. The poor parents of the victims were robbed of their children. Im going home to hug my kids!!

Anonymous said...

omfg.... this is awful..... cool blooded.. oh shit....

Anonymous said...

Its not columbine, its another school but still sick..

Anonymous said...

I think its real but i havent seen the video yet

Anonymous said...

ya i think its real too

Anonymous said...

It isnt Columbine I dont think... The date is wrong on the footage...
Even so, wherever it's from, its still sick... RIP those victims..

Anonymous said...

that isn't the real tape...thats an independant film called Zero hour...the date is wrong and the dude didn't have on a camo shirt.

Anonymous said...

this isnt real footage this is the movi zero day and even if it wasnt the two people that are supposed to be eric and dylan are wearing something tottaly differant than what was actually recorded and what their photos of them dead shows

Anonymous said...

'The Columbine Massacre' was in '99, so this obviously isn't it.

Frightening none the less.

I did a review of Gus Van Sants 2003 film, Elephant, based on the Columbine murders.