Update… Here’s the pic. (I was having computer problems the day I posted it and couln’t save the pic.)
Update… Here’s the pic. (I was having computer problems the day I posted it and couln’t save the pic.)
11:02 PM
I am having some computer problems so that’s why I haven’t posted much besides my trip posts. I think the problem might be related to the 1600+ pics I have in the folder from this trip. I’m going to try to break the flder down into smaller folders. I also downloaded a spybot cleaner and it found 146 things it needed to fix. So hopefully things will help my laptop perform better.
Update: I’m not able to copy pictures from the web usins the right-click “Save As” context menu thingy for some reason. I’m working on this.
10:53 PM
We only had a few hours to do a drive thru of Yellowstone National Park. We stopped a few times, but not nearly enough. But I saw enough to know that I’d like to return again when I have more time to explore.
It seems like we just keep seeing bigger and better things every new day.
Remnants from a forest fire. This covered a lot of acres.
Traffic Jam Shortly after we entered the park we ran across a traffic jam. It seems that a herd of bison were crossing the roadway… and at their own s l o w pace.
Boiling water from a cone geyser – This is just incredible to see.
Grand Teton Naional Park (A little south of Yellowstone)
After leaving Teton Naional Park we drove the longest 45 mile drive I ever did. Much of the road is under construction and we were on gravel and dirt for what seemed like hours.
We’re off on an early start Saturday heading towards home.
Total miles logged so far: Just over 2,000
7:09 AM
I saw this sign at Chandler’s Ranch House Restaurant in the tiny town of Dubois Wyoming where we’re spending the night at a neaby Super 8 (the only hotel in town).
11:55 PM
After breakfast at Granny’s Restaurant in downtown Cody Wyoming we headed up to Chief Joseph’s Scenic Byway on our way to the Beartooth Scenic Highway which took us up to the top of Beartooth Butte. It was about 50 mile ride which took us over four hours with stops to take in the beautiful scenery.
Beautiful Beartooth Lake on the way up the mountain.
At one of the scenic overlooks along the highway.
At another overlook near the summit.
We passed into Montana to finish the climb to the top of Beartooth.
At the summit. Elevation 10,947 ft. I could tell that there was less oxygen at that level. I got tired walking out to the edge to take this picture. The temperature was about 15 degrees cooler than it was at the bottom of the mountain.
On the way down. We ended up in Red Lodge Montana where we had lunch.
This little stream was behind the Red Box Drive-In Diner in Red Lodge Montana (where we had lunch).
Tommorrow: An early start to visit Yellowstone National Park, then we begin the journey home. I’ll try to post tomorrow night if I have internet access wherever we stop. (So far - so good, as far as that goes).
11:28 PM
If you are one of the many that just had to run out and get the latest and greatest thing from Apple, well you may just have to bite the bullet and run right back out and get the latest and greatest thing from Microsoft….The ZunePhone will be out this month,… maybe…
12:21 AM
One day a father gets out of work and on his way home. He remembers that it's his daughter's birthday.
He pulls over to a toy store and asks the salesperson, "How much is the Barbie on the display window?"
The salesperson answers, "Which one? We have:
Work out Barbie for $19.95
Shopping Barbie for $19.95
Beach Barbie for $19.95
Disco Barbie for $19.95
Divorced Barbie for $265.95
The amazed father asks: "What? Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?"
The salesperson annoyingly answers:
"Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer and...One of Ken's Friends."
12:14 AM
This happened about a half hour from my house…..
"Party naked" took on a whole new meaning as a man wearing nothing but a Halloween mask with an attached ponytail distracted workers at a De Soto quick shop so his partner could steal a 30-pack of beer.
Paula Hawkins, manager of Fish's Quick Stop at the corner of routes 21 and H in Desoto MO, said a young man entered the store about 5:30 a.m. Aug. 18 and headed to the beer cooler at the back of the store. A moment later, the naked masked man entered the store, apparently trying to distract the clerks.
Hawkins said the masked man made suggestive comments. "It really was hilarious," she said with a chuckle.
While the bare-bottomed man was wiggling his hips at the clerk, the other man grabbed a 30-pack of Busch beer and the two men ran outside, jumped into a Chrysler Sebring and took off. Police later nabbed the trio of would-be robbers, including the driver.
De Soto Police Chief Brian Werner, who watched the video, said the incident was pretty funny.
At least we knew he didn't have a gun," he said.
12:04 AM
The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Peek-A-Boo) is not just an athlete.... She is now a nurse currently working at the Intensive Care Unit of a large metropolitan hospital. She is not permitted to answer the hospital telephones. It caused too much confusion when she would answer the phone and say,
“Picabo, ICU. “
Thanks Gary J
Update: Photo corrected (I think)
11:36 PM
We left early this morning from Rapid City and headed to Spearfish Canyon. A scenic ride to be sure. We only went in about 5 miles then turned around and came back because we had a long ride to Cody Wyoming.
It wasn’t too long before we crossed the border into Wyoming.
We stopped for lunch at the Cowboy Saloon in Buffalo Wyoming. This is where you can find a phone booth. Not an ordinary phone booth (which is hard enough to find these days), but a Cell Phone Booth.
We crossed the Big Horn Mountains just outside of Buffalo Wyoming.
After getting through the mountains the rest of Wyoming pretty much looks the same. Small rolling hills and lot’s of sagebrush. I can also tell you it’s a wide state. It seemed like it took forever to get to Cody.
Tomorrow we’re off to ride the Beartooth Scenic Highway, which is about 30 miles out of Cody and ends after about 50 miles of twists and turns at Red Lodge Montana. From there we’ll traverse back down Beartooth (they say the view is completely different the other way) and back into Cody for another night.
11:31 PM
After a rain delayed start, we opted for a quick trip between showers. We were misted on all the way to Sturgis, which wasn’t that far… probably 20 miles from Rapid City.
Harley (Bear) wanted to get to Sturgis. Of couse we were a couple weeks after the big 67th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Harley has been on several rides this year. He was buckled in ready to ride early.
We got to Sturgis and did some souviner shopping. (I didn’t take any pictures in Sturgis.) But it was larger than I was expecting. I remember people talking about how small a town it is. I was expecting a town of just a few blocks long. but it’s a big little city.
Every summer, Sturgis hosts one of the largest gatherings of motorcycle enthusiasts in the world - the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Beginning the first full week in August, Sturgis comes alive with more than half a million people. We become the largest community in the state, bringing in concerts by famous recording artists, national motorcycle races and the biggest names in custom bikes.
Then we headed on to Deadwood South Dakota, which was another 15 miles or so down the road.
Riding into the town of Deadwood.
The city of Deadwood, seat of Lawrence County, in the Black Hills of Western South Dakota was incorporated 1876. The city was named for the dead trees that were found in the narrow canyon (Deadwood Gulch) where you'll find the historic Main and Sherman streets, with many streets built up its steep sides.
Deadwood had the first telephone exchange in the state of South Dakota. Established by Paul Rewman in March of 1878, calls between Deadwood and Lead were 50 cents at the time, 25 cents cheaper than a stage ride between the cities, and much faster. The completion of the line was promptly celebrated as reported by the Pioneer with a large bonfire, gathering, and a grand ball at the Grand Central Hotel.
Wild Bill Hickok Calamity Jane Wyatt Earp
Industries include gold mining and lumbering; tourism is also important to the economy. Of interest are an old gold mine where you can try "panning for gold", several historical museums, a cemetery containing the graves of Wild Bill Hickok (who was killed here) and Calamity Jane, and many historic hotels and saloons. The city was founded following the discovery of gold here in 1876. Reached by railroad in 1891, the city developed as a trading center for the northern Black Hills region. In 1989, limited-wage gambling was legalized in Deadwood to rejuvenate tourism. Population (1980) 2035; (1990) 1830.
Lunchtime in Deadwood
We only had an hour and a half to spend in Deadwood (we wanted to get back before the rain was supposed to start up again at 5 pm). We ran across the Ugly Horse Pub. I’t’s a pizza place in the basement under the Iron Horse Inn. The pizza was excellent and the wings were good. We tried the hot wings, didn’t try the “ugly wings” which were the hottest they serve.
The highlight of our lunch/dinner was our new friend Scorch (shown above with our ladies Pat, Janet and Pat). Scorch (or Jack …. he had another nickname too, but I can’t remember what it was) has been blown up twice. Once in a propane explosion and another time with some kind of electrical explosion. He sufferred burns over 85% of his body, hence the nickname Scorch.. What a remarkable character he is. He has just done some commercials for a hotel in Deadwood. Scorch has such a wonderful outlook on life. He was so much fun to be around. If you’re ever in Deadwood, I highly recommend the Ugly Horse Pub and Jack’s great pizza.
Tomorrow we’re off to Spearfish Canyon and then onto Cody Wyoming. We’re planning on doing the Beartooth Highway Thursday. We’re trying to decide if we’re going to go onto Yellowstone after that.
11:15 PM
Fortunately, I can ride a little better than this.
I’m sorry, but this is really funny. It made me laugh out loud when I watched it.
11:15 AM
I know that a radio has sure made my bike trip more enjoyable. I highly reccomment it. Not sure if this one is still available though.
11:04 AM
Whenever you are having a rough day, try this stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals.
The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile.
1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream.
2. You can feel both your hands dangling in the cool running water.
3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.
4. No one knows your secret place.
5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called "The World".
6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.
7. The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.
See? It really does work. You're smiling already!
Thanks Joe P
10:48 AM
A lady went into a bar in Waco, Texas and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest boots she'd ever seen. The woman asked the cowboy if it's true what they say about men with big feet are well endowed.
The cowboy grinned and said, "Shore is, little lady. Why don't you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?"
The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him. The next morning she handed him a $100 bill.
Blushing, he said, "Well, thankee, ma'am. Ah'm real flattered. Ain't nobody ever paid me fer mah services before."
"Don't be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit."
Thanks Joe P
10:45 AM
We ended up in Rapid City South Dakota last night. Today we went to Mount Rushmore. It was about a 45 minute ride from our hotel.
We learned that 90% of the carving was done with dynamite.
The presidents were originally suppposed to be from head to the waist. But the sculpter, Gutzon Borglum died in the middle of the project. His son took over and didn’t want to finish it as planned… plus Congress cut the funding for the project.
Read more about Mount Rushmore
We also visited Crazy Horse, another mountain sculpture. It is a work in progress… and will be for many more decades. Crazy Horse is completely funded by visitors. It receives NO government funds.
It’s original sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski died suddenly at age 73. He is buried near the base of the mountain. His wife and most of his ten kids have taken on his mission to try to complete the sculpture according to his wishes.
This i what it will look like when it’s complete in God knows how many years. It is a very slow process.
You can see the mountain just beyond the models pointing finger. It has a long way to go.
More about the Crazy Horse Memorial.
Then it was on to the Needles Highway. This winding road through some of the most scenic territory I’ve ridden was just breathtaking.
There are 10 mph curves… one after another, that twist up and down the mountain side. There were several tunnels through the mountains.
We had ridden quite a ways through some really neat curvy roads (thinking we were already on the NeedlesHighway) when we came upon a sign that said to turn right to get to the Needles Highway.
It was almost dark when we got through the 14 mile ride. Right before we exited Needles Highway, we saw a very large buffalo standing about 6 feet off the side of the road.. just grazing. None of us could get our cameras out in time to get a shot.
It’s late and I’m wiped, so I’m off to bed.
12:23 AM