President Lyndon B. Johnson's favorite drink may have been scotch and soda. He would ride around his Texas ranch in an open convertible in hot weather. He drank his "scotch and soda out of a large white plastic foam cup. Periodically, Johnson would slow down and hold his left arm outside the car, shaking the cup and ice. A Secret Service agent would run up to the car, take the cup and go back to the station wagon (following the President's car). There another agent would refill it with ice, scotch, and soda as the first agent trotted behind the wagon. then the first agent would run the refilled cup up to LBJ's outstretched hand, as the President's car moved slowly forward."
- As Magellan prepared to sail around the world in 1519, he spent more on Sherry than on weapons.
- The longest bar in the world is 684 feet (or about 208.5 meters) long and is located at the New Bulldog in Rock Island, Illinois.
- A tequini is a martini made with tequila instead of dry gin.
- The founder of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) no longer belongs to the organization. She resigned after it became increasingly anti-alcohol rather than simply anti-drunk-driving.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the U.S. in 1932 on a pledge to end National Prohibition.
- The U.S. Marines’ first recruiting station was in a bar.
- Bourbon is the official spirit of the United States, by act of Congress.
- One glass of milk can give a person a .02 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on a Breathalyzer test. That’s enough in some states for persons under age 21 to lose their drivers license and be fined.
- Martha Washington enjoyed daily toddys. In the 1790s, "happy hour" began at 3:00 p.m. and cocktails continued until dinner.
- Beer was not sold in bottles until 1850; it was not sold in cans until 1935.
- Liquor stores in the US are called "package stores" and sell "package goods" because of laws requiring that alcohol containers be concealed in public by being placed in paper bags or "packages."
- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is commonly believed to be the only English sentence devised to include all the letters of the alphabet. However, typesetters have another such sentence: "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs."
- Alcohol consumption decreases during the time of the full moon.
- Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the US, stated that "It has long been recognized that the problems with alcohol relate not to the use of a bad thing, but to the abuse of a good thing."
- Beer and Bras. British men have been found twice as likely to know the price of their beer as their partner's bra size.
- One or two alcohol drinks a day can be anti-inflammatory. (Of course, always consult your physician for medical advice.)
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It seems that that guy is not exactly demonstrating the risks of drinking and driving a the same time, but just like the saying says: "to green and bear". I like scotch, it does get a grip on me.
I've been visiting this blog since 3 weeks ago, and I'm so exited now because you're doing an excellent work, specially with the main idea behind the blog, the secrets services and the stations wagons.
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