Sunday, December 09, 2007

Needs a little work

Needs work



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nuttin' like crackin' jokes on poor children.

Jonathan said...

Makes me think of my Christmas shopping, and wondering whether the things I buy are good enough for my kids.

One laptop per child is having a give-one get-one deal where if you buy a laptop for a kid in a poor country, you buy one for yourself, too. The entire deal is $400, $200 of which is tax deductible. I guess the hope is to get a laptop into this kid's hands before someone puts an AK-47 in them.

Anonymous said...

nothing like giving a laptop to someone who doesn't have electricity... and most likely it would get stolen like this kids tires, and end up in someone's hands that will send you emails on how you won the big lotto, or you just inherited 1,000,000,lira

Anonymous said...

Anyone drinking a $3 or $4 coffee this morning? Or have a one pack a day habit smoking cigarettes? Imaging if that money was donated to a worthy cause?

Go ahead and criticize the computer idea by taking the idea out of context (you're just an ass), but that's a great idea.

Anonymous said...


Jonathan said...

Actually, the difficulty of finding an electric outlet has been considered. A lot of thinking has gone into the project. This from the One Laptop per Child website:

Rechargeable battery
Since many children in the developing world live “off the grid’’ (in places with poor or non-existent power infrastructure), the XO laptop is designed to be extremely power efficient. The batteries operate for up to 2,000 recharge cycles (four times the lifetime of a typical laptop battery). They are extremely efficient, contain no toxic heavy metals, and can be hand charged via a crank, pedal or pull-cord—or recharged by a directly connected solar panel.

And of course, if the goal is met (one laptop per child) the likelihood of it being stolen is greatly diminished. The laptops can communicate wirelessly, so if I have 2 and you have none, we both lose.