I thought this was interesting… not sure why though. The U.S. is on the left and Tijuana is on the right.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
U.S. Mexican border
7:02 PM
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I thought this was interesting… not sure why though. The U.S. is on the left and Tijuana is on the right.
7:02 PM
I'm from the planet Zog but I'm guessing that the left-hand portion with the fences, ditches, fortifications and personnel-restricted wasteland/space barrier is the land of the free while the busy half with the homes and the workplaces and the people moving about is the country everyone is trying to leave? Just a thought...
it's probably a good visual of the invasion process, and how our social services are being molested, and abused by people that don't pay in to the process by paying taxes etc., and milking our system to where we won't have Social Security when we wished we could retire.
Do you know, I looked at the photograph for ages. I just looked and looked and looked until I was blue in the face organ and I just couldn't see the molestation, the abuse and the milking. If you'll excuse me, I'm just nipping back to the planet Zog for a moment to fetch my reading specs and some mild medication. While I'm there I'll pop into Invasion HQ and see if I can have a shufty at the plans.
Planet moron...
It's just like when you cross from Canada into the states - it's the same land, same hills, same types of trees, marshes, grass... but something's different, and it's creepy.
everyone's getting a bit touchy aren't they!? i'm guessing it's because it turns out mexico isn't as rubbish and under-developed as lots of people would like to think...
Nor Canada, for that fact... I must say I was suprised, that even when US settles/plants so many products and companies behind their south border, that Mexico never went like: "You illegal company! We don't want you, you'll fuck up our monetary system!!"
Well, I hope you guys are ready for that Amero (did I spell that right?) because we got fucked over by the same people here in Europe with the Euro.. Yes, the same.
No referendum, no polictital entity that ever said "No" to that... There goes your national treasure.
Yeah, I've been to Planet Zog, it's filled with bleeding-heart liberals who bury their heads in the sand like ostriches. Funny thing is, they didn't notice all the illegal immigrants coming onto THEIR planet from other planets like planet Juevo, Ertheif, Welfaretheif, etc. They just pretended, for the sake of political correctness that it wasn't a problem. And now they're infrastructure is totally shot. Sad, really.
Umm... I just think it's a really cool picture. In regards to Planet Zog and the decline of the Amero, I have no opinion.
a load of complete fucking shit
Well this sucks...
no matter how or what is done they well find a way to get on this side! now is this bad?? well who and what it is they are coming for drugs are here drugs are there who doing them honestly""all colors""" which most of them are my "kind" "AMERICANS"" read the newspaper come on stop pointing finger if yours is not clean!!
I know that im not & MANY AMERICANS wont work long hour days hot\cold for $7 an hour no insurance no nothing 1 day out of the week off come on some of these people are here just to make a living and some are not but those who are ARE NOT ON WELFARE!! OKOK MAYBe IF THEY HAD A KID IN US THEN THEY MAYBE GETTING ABOUT THE MOST FOOD STAMPS BUT YET THE AMERICAN IS ON FOOD STAMPS DAYCARE MEDICAID AND DRIVING A 2008 TRUCK GETTING PAIN KILLERS NON STOP FROM DOCTOR TO DOCTOR HELLO IT GOS BOTH WAYS!!!!!
TJ doesn't look too bad from here. Actually- kinda looks like downtown L.A., but nicer. Amazing how nothing is developed on U.S.A.'s side. Nobody wants to live that close to the border. Yet Mexicans don't care about living close to our border. (probably trying to concoct a plan to jump that fence tonight.)
Undocumented immigrants paid an estimated 15 billion dollars for social security, and they'll never see a penny of that. They pay taxes too (i.e., they products here, including homes), and will never see a penny of that. Who belongs "here" versus "there" anyway.
If you're interested, the above information was offered from "Wetbacks: The Undocumented Documentary." I highly recommend watching it!
It helps to clarifly that you cannot see the milking of resources in the way you see the effects of overabundance in American masses. Likewise, molestation is as invisible as the footsteps each and every human leaves behind them and on one another. This is even more so the case in highly concreted urban areas.
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